THE main community safety concern continues to be teenage drinking and disorder in places like the Spinney, Iris Brickfield, and Paddy Freemans Park.
We have been working with the police and schools to tackle this problem and we are in the process of installing CCTV at key locations.
We are also considering carrying out a consultation on whether to restrict access to some of the alleys leading to the Spinney - but will not go ahead without public support.
Recent police activity has included covert surveillance and action against two local businesses found to be selling alcohol to teens. Police also caught an older youth buying car boot loads of alcohol and selling it to younger teenagers - this has now been confiscated.
Councillor Karen Robinson explains: "We continue to meet with the police on a regular basis about this problem and have had specific discussions about issues in the vicinity of the Spinney, including giving thought to the possibility of introducing police dispersal orders against gangs of youths hanging around in certain locations and disturbing residents.
"We are reluctant to take this step except as a last resort, but will consider it if the problem escalates to the point where it is merited.
"At present we gather the Spinney area has quietened down somewhat."
A Neighbourhood Watch group is being established in the Denewell Avenue/Southlands area and wish this group well with its activities.
Both the police and the Lib Dems will support residents in any other parts of the ward who wish to do likewise.