Newcastle upon Tyne Liberal Democrats are a powerful and growing force in the city. With 23 seats in Newcastle City Council, we're the official opposition to Labour and one of the largest Liberal Democrat groups in the country. We're proud to represent such a vibrant, diverse city and work hard for our residents all year round. (The picture, taken at a Pride rally, features the Leader of our group of councillors, Colin Ferguson, on the left, and the new MP for Harrogate and Knaresborough, Tom Godon MP, who is a former City Councillor for Newcastle Liberal Democrats, on the right.)
Join our enthusiastic, hardworking team today and help us demand better for Newcastle upon Tyne.
The Liberal Democrats won control of Newcastle City Council in June 2004, after 30 years of Labour being in charge of the city.
For the next seven years, the Liberal Democrats addressed many of the failures inherited from the Labour administration. Council services were improved, Council Tax rises held at or below the rate of inflation and the City was recognised for two years running as England's greenest Council.
The national political swing against the Coalition Government in 2011 saw Labour regain control of the Council - though many residents still thought the Liberal Democrats had run the City Council well.
Today, Labour still run the Council, but they no longer have a majority of all councillors. With 22 councillors, the Liberal Democrats remain the only effective opposition to Labour within the Council Chamber as the second largest party. There is only one Conservative and two Green councillors in the Chamber, along with various independent councillors.
The Liberal Democrats continue to campaign for change in Newcastle and to hold the Labour administration to account. They have also campaigned against decisions by both the former Conservative and now Labour Governments in Westminster which have seen local services cut, and we continue to argue for greater Government investment in our great city and the wider North East region.