New Bus Route Agreed
Councillor Lawrence Hunter has scored a major success for the people of Lemington. He argued the case for a new bus route serving parts of the Ward which until now have had no bus service at alL On 26th January, City Council Executive agreed the new route - route 13 - which will start on 27th March 2011.
The new route 13 is one of the "secured services" provided by agreement between the City Council, Nexus and the bus operators. The route will run from West Denton Way, where the swimming pool, library, Customer Service Centre, Morrisons, Post Office, bank and smaller shops are located, through parts of Lemington and on to Newburn, parts of Throckley and Walbottle. Further information about the route and timetable will be available shortly.
Councillor Lawrence Hunter said, " For a long time /'ve been really concerned about the lack of buses on valley view. People there have had no option but to walk from Union Hall Rd carrying heavy shopping. The original proposals for the "secured services" said there was no need for this service, so it was not listed in the first plans. After public consultation on the plans, I went to several meetings to make the case for a new service in Lemington. I'm delighted that I was able to persuade them to give us this new bus service, which I hope will make a real difference to people's lives."
Residents have told Lawrence the new bus service is very welcome and will be a major improvement in our Ward.