Spate of burglaries in north Newcastle - police alert
Councillors have just been told by the police that there were 4 more burglaries in the North Gosforth area yesterday evening. The Great Park, Melton Park and Brunton Park have now all been targeted in recent weeks with the same method, and there have been similar thefts reported across north Newcastle.
These offences are being committed between 1800-2200hrs. Entry is being gained via the rear with entry being forced to patio doors etc. Extra police patrols will continue over the weekend in the area and thus is still their 'tasking' area. This means that officers not responding to incidents should default their patrol to these areas.
Unlike previous offences in the area where insecure vehicles and properties were being attacked, these are secure properties. Northumbria Police Newcastle North NPT have also put a similar message out on their twitter feed.
If you experience 'cold callers', especially those with ID indicating they are part of a probation or offender rehabilitation scheme please ensure they are reported to police on 101 or by email. No such scheme that should be operating : The police have made quite lengthy enquiries in relation to this.