Westerhope Round-up
Dog Dirt
The Focus Team have received many complaints recently of dog dirt covering footpaths across the ward. If you own a dog then please ensure you pick up, bag and dispose of any deposits in a litter bin. If you are aware of any persistent offenders then please let the team know so that the dog wardens and enforcement officers can take action to prosecute offenders.
Sports Barn
Westerhope Community Association will be submitting a grant aid request to the Westerhope Ward Committee for funding to produce a feasibility study into the provision of a Sports Barn on the site of the existing five-a-side football pitches. This feasibility study will be produced by City Design, and will be used to approach funders to provide finance for the project. The barn, with its changing and storage facilities, will be used for conferences and exhibitions as well as for sporting activities.
Engineers will have completed a detailed survey of potholes across the city centre, with a "drive by" survey of main/bus routes across city already underway as well. Talking to them before Christmas they were also explaining that they are going to use a new filler that has been tested to last longer than the usual tarmac filler, is usable down to -10 celsius and can even be used in water-filled holes. The City Council have the financial capacity to deal with the potholes and any emergency resurfacing - though some planned schemes may get pushed back a bit. Don't forget that residents can report problems on streets (from streetlights to pavements to potholes) either via Envirocall on 274 4000 or via www.fixmystreet.com
Continuation of free swimming sessions for under 18s and over 60s confirmed by the City Council at Outer West Pool and other city pools.