Brunton Lane Bus Gate Consultation
The public consultation on introducing a 'bus only' restriction on Brunton Lane where it crosses the Western by-pass is complete. All residents of the Great Park received a questionnaire and two drop-in events were held at Brunton First School and St Aidan's Church.
The number of responses was disappointing (just 10%) with opinion divided. The traffic engineers are now advertising the proposed restrictions to encourage more responses. Brunton Lane is already used as a 'rat-run' by traffic and traffic volumes will grow. In time, traffic volumes are due to rise from 1856 vehicles a day to 6471 a day. The road is not designed to carry this number of vehicles which would cause major delays for traffic exiting from Brunton Lane on to the Great North Road. There are regular complaints from residents about the speed of traffic and pedestrian safety on the bridge. If the bridge became 'bus only' it would allow the council to widen the pavements.
If you have views on this proposal please submit them to Newcastle City Council, Technical Services, Civic Centre, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8PD.