Fawdon News in Brief
The Council has made a formal demand of the owner of the former Co-op building in Coxlodge to improve theappearance of the building or face enforcement.
The demolition of Fawdon Park House finally appears near now that the mobile phone masts on its roof.are expected to relocated elsewhere
including on top of Ewart Court (but not now also on Shaftoe Court).
The Fawdon Ward Committee has agreed another £10,000 to fund more "Fawdon Together" community events in the coming year. They
were a great success in Fawdon, North Kenton and Coxlodge last year.
Extra grit boxes have been installed around the ward, as requested.
The run-down 5 story block on Newlyn Rd, N Kenton (the former CSV training centre), is programmed for demolition soon.
Several thousand potholes in the city have been plugged, with major resurfacing for the Kenton Lane/Halewood Av junction and Kenton
Lane/Kenton Rd and others to follow.