Options for former Trinity School site discussed
Discussions are taking place about the future of the former site of Trinity School or Kenton Lodge in Kenton Road. West Gosforth ward councillors and residents want the original main building to be protected from demolition and Council officers advise that this suggestion is being incorporated into a development brief. The brief will indicate what sort of uses would be appropriate for the building and surrounding grounds. The ownership of the building currently lies with the City Council. One option being investigated is for the site to be used as accommodation for older people before any decision on marketing the site for sale is made.
At a recent meeting, a number of residents raised concerns about the future position, particularly if any development led to more traffic. There were also some issues raised about the security of the site whilst it is empty, and the ward councillors are lobbying Council officers to ensure that better arrangements are put in place. Residents will be invited to a future meeting at a point when the Council is clearer about what future options it prefers.
We would like to hear what your views are about the future of the site and would be grateful if you could take part in our online survey or contact the West Gosforth councillors directly.