Policing & Crime Survey across Newcastle Launched

A recent poll, commissioned by the Liberal Democrats nationally, found that nearly half of UK adults are not confident that the Police would turn up and properly investigate if they were the victims of some crimes. The survey also older people have the least confidence, with 73% of over 65s saying the were not confident the Police would attend after a burglary.
The Conservative Government's ineffective resourcing has left front-line policing over stretched - with only 12% of officers allocated to neighbourhood policing teams.
Recent Home Office statistics, highlight the rising problem of unsolved crime. In the year to June, 76% of burglaries and 77% of car thefts went unsolved - and nearly 6,000 crimes went unsolved across England and Wales every single day.
To find out more about local people's experiences and opinions on crime, community safety and policing across Newcastle, Councillor Peter Lovatt, Deputy Leader of the LIberal Democrats on Newcastle City Council and the Party's spokeperson on community safety, has launched a citywide survey.
Peter said: "The situation across the country is worrying, but we need to know more about what people feel across our city. Please take a few minutes to complete our survey to ensure your experiences and views are heard and help influence decisions on local priorities."