Rally on the Little Moor Against the Plans for Blue House - Sunday at 2 PM
Please come along to support this event to show the Council that you are against the plan. There has been an encouraging response against the proposals so far, but we need to keep up the pressure.
Following police advice and expectations of potential higher numbers of people attending than expected we are issuing further advice.
Please assemble at Little Moor, at the junction with Moorfield.
The rally will now take place ONLY on Little Moor. Please do not gather on Dukes Moor as you may disturb the cattle.
There are no restrictions to the normal use of the public highway, therefore if coming to the rally by car, you are advised that you must park in a safe location. Pedestrians should observe normal road safety when crossing to the rally.
The police ask that no-one obstructs the public highway, either by vehicular or pedestrian means, so we ask people to act responsibly.