The January meeting of the Fawdon Ward Committee was captured on film for a DVD.
The film is to be used on the council's website to show others what goes on at a ward meeting and encourage them to try it.
The film will also be used for other councils who are very interested in how Newcastle involves local people in decision-making.
"Very few councils have anything like our very local meetings," said Councillor David Faulkner.
"The film-makers also spoke to local residents for their comments and the police - but deliberately did not interview the councillors."
Future meetings are:
March 23: 6pm (drop-in) for 6.30pm, Fawdon Community Centre.
May 25: 6pm for 6.30pm, Coxlodge Methodist Church Hall
July 27: 6pm for 6.30pm, North Moor Sure Start, Cairns Way, Fawdon
In addition, the ward committee runs a periodic meeting for residents specifically on dealing with all aspects of crime and anti-social behaviour. The next Community Safety Forum is 6.30pm on February 23 at Coxlodge Methodist Church Hall.
At the January ward committee meeting we discussed opportunities for learning and jobs support, current planning applications, and local neighbourhood issues.
Inspector Graham Ward reported a 7% reduction in crime in our area in the last year - after 10% reduction in each of the past two years. All categories had fallen except shoplifting. We approved grants towards roof insulation at St Hugh's and well being sessions at Fawdon Community Centre for a community choir, dancing and playing music.
We also agreed funding for the Fawdon Together Project for family events over the year in Fawdon, Coxlodge and North Kenton.