Real Change for the Issues that Matter
Mark and the Liberal Democrats are the only ones offering real change at this election.
The Tories keep showing us they are out of touch with life for normal people; they are out of excuses and out of time. Keir Starmer’s Labour is afraid to stand for anything, and they’re basically committing themselves to follow the Tory script.
Time and time again the Liberal Democrats have been the first to demand change, from a Windfall tax on energy companies, to a Gaza ceasefire and stopping Sewage in our rivers and seas. These things are now being copied by Labour or the Greens, but the Liberal Democrats are the ones with the ideas for our countries problems.
Supporting our NHS
Two key challenges for the NHS can be described as a "front door" and a "back door" issue. The front door meaning its hard to get into the system and the back door means we are struggling to get people out of hospital beds and into the right next step for them.
The Front door - Better Access to GP and Dental Services
Everyone should be able to rely on quick access to high-quality local health services when they need them. Mark will work to make it easier to get a doctor and dentist appointment.
Local Pharmacy services are also critical to support the NHS and mark has helped to get a new licence for a Pharmacy to open in Heaton following the closure of Boots earlier this year.
The Back door - Getting people out of hospital
Too often people are stuck in hospital beds, stopping them from getting to the right place for them in their recovery and blocking that bed for others that need it. Unlocking the post hospital care system will transform both our capacity and people's recovery.

Fairer economy where people can afford a home to live in
People across Newcastle East and Wallsend are struggling to make ends meet. We need a fair plan to get through this cost of living crisis - and a plan to make sure it doesn’t happen again. We will
Invest in infrastructure, innovation and skills to create good jobs and prosperity in every UK region and nation.
Help people with the cost of living and their energy bills by implementing a proper, one-off windfall tax on the super-profits of oil and gas producers and traders.
Make taxes fair, ensuring that tax burdens don’t fall disproportionately on low earners
Abolish the separate Capital Gains tax-free allowance, to tax income from wealth more similarly to income from work.
Boost small businesses and empower them to create new local jobs, including reforming business rates.

Stop Sewage in the Ouseburn and in our waterways
Water companies have been getting away with dumping sewage into or rivers for too long. The Lib Dems will fight to protect our environment and punish rule breaking water companies. We will
Transform water companies into public benefit companies.
Ban bonuses for water bosses until discharges and leaks end.
Replace Ofwat with a tough new regulator with new powers to prevent sewage dumps.