Metro Woes Continue
Disappointment after latest Metro announcement of further delays to the introduction of new trains
Philip Browne and James Coles are the Liberal Democrat councillors for North Jesmond Ward on Newcastle City Council. They work hard throughout the year to address local problems and issues and to ensure that the voices of North Jesmond's residents are heard in the Council Chamber. Following the recent retirement of their colleague Cllr Gerry Keating, they have been joined by Peter Allen as the new Jesmond Focus Editor.
The Focus Team have a long record of listening to local people and keeping in touch through regular Focus newsletters. In addition, the Team also use this web page, eFocus and social media to keep local people informed about what is happening across the ward.
Philip and James are also part of the 23 strong Liberal Democrats Official Opposition Group on Newcastle City Council, holding the current Labour administration to account and pressing for change to improve our area and the wider city.
Peter will be the Liberal Democrats' candidate in the North Jesmond By-Election on Thursday 12 September, when he hope to join Philip and James on Newcastle City Council.
You can contact the North Jesmond Focus Team in the following ways:
Email us at: northjesmond@ncl-libdems.org.uk or just click on the button below
Call us by phone:
Meet us at our regular surgeries: 4th Saturday of each month (except August) 10am - 11am at Jesmond Library, St. George's Terrace, Jesmond, NE2 2DL
Disappointment after latest Metro announcement of further delays to the introduction of new trains
Many residents tell us how much they appreciate receiving a copy of the local FOCUS newsletter through their letterbox - with local news and campaign updates from the Liberal Democrats.
If you would like to receive more frequent updates on issues and stories affecting your local neighbourhood then eFocus is for you - a regular email newsletter sent direct to your email inbox from the North Jesmond Focus Team. It is formatted to read easily on your computer, smart phone, tablet or other device.
If you would like to receive North Jesmond eFocus then sign up below.
Would you like to receive regular updates on stories affecting your neighbourhood? We can send our local eFocus newsletter direct to your email inbox - so you can read it on your computer, smart phone or tablet.