Liberal Democrats looking forward
Reflecting on the recent Liberal Democrat 2015 conference, an article by Nick Pearce in the latest IPPR newsletter warns the party that it cannot claim the centre ground by merely defining itself…
Reflecting on the recent Liberal Democrat 2015 conference, an article by Nick Pearce in the latest IPPR newsletter warns the party that it cannot claim the centre ground by merely defining itself…
EVENTS THIS WEEK AT ST MARY'S, MAPLEDENE RD, FAWDON. Friday 25th Sept from 10am - 2pm - coffee morning in aid of Macmillan, part of the "World's Biggest Coffee Morning"! Tombola, Raffle and Lunches.…
For those concerned about the removal of what used to be called the ASDA roundabout in Gosforth and otehr plans, here's some official data
Councillor Doreen Huddart has called upon Newcastle City Council to capitalise on the opportunities that the 2018 European Year of Culture, Heritage and Tourism could bring to the City and Region.
There is no doubt about the importance of a properly funded public health service in connecting and linking up an area's local services to ensure healthier outcomes - reducing smoking, tackling…
Normally, when Lib Dems want to change something we would start our own campaign and
At last night's meeting of Newcastle City Council, Lib Dem councillors called for the authority to offer sanctuary to 30 refugee families affected by the ongoing crisis in Syria and Libya .